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Emerald Package

Emerald Package Description


 The Emerald Package is the premier plan
 for Christian merchants who already have
 a website and want to have strong market
 share in the Christ-Centered Mall.

 Merchants subscribing to this package will
 greatly benefit from this package in 2 ways:

 (1) Their website will receive exceptional
      exposure from numerous links.

 (2) Links from the highly-visited Christ-
      Centered Mall will give their website
      strong page rank which will result in
      high keyword listings in major search
      engines like Google and Yahoo.

 This gemstone advertising package enables
 Christian merchants (those who have
 attested to the Statement of Faith) to
 have 50+ hot links and an introduction
 page from the Christ-Centered Store
 pointing to their online storefront. Also
 included in this package is a store listing
 under Spotlight on the left side of
 20 main pages.

 Package Features

  A featured store listing on the top of
      our Store Index which includes a bold
      link, an animated graphic, and up to
      6 lines of text.

  4 listings in our Shopping Categories.
      Quadruple your website's visibility!

  An introduction page which includes
      your company name, company logo,
      contact information, and web address
      linked directly to your website. We will
      also include a 2-paragraph description
      about your company and the products
      or services which your company offers.
      An extra description box will also be
      included on this page to further help
      with keyword indexing.

  A store listing on the 1st Floor of our
      Affiliates page.

  2 product listings under Great Gifts
      located on our Store Index page.

  A store listing under Spotlight on the
      left side of 20 main pages.

  A prominent listing under Select Stores
      on 15 pages of the Christ-Centered
      Store website (except the home page).

 Advertising Costs

  A 1-time setup fee of $25.00 for the
  design of the introduction page.

  A monthly fee of $199.95, with a
  6-month minimum. Please note: The
  average time required for major search
  engines to spider, list, and rank your
  introduction page is approximately 3

  If you would like to have a listing under
  Select Stores on our home page, an
  additional monthly fee of $25.00 will be

  With this package, you may have the
  option to be part of our quarterly e-mail
  advertising campaign to over 100,000
  qualified buyers. Cost to be determined.

 Register your store or service for the
 Emerald Package now!

 For a quick overview of all our advertising
 options, view our Package Comparison

Store Overview Statement of Faith
Website Visibility Advertising Packages
Package Comparison Store Registration
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